Heartbroken mother loses both Labradors within hours after they were poisoned by an unknown attacker’s over-the-counter drug tossed into her garden

Written by Wills Robinson and first published on June 24, 2014 at 07:57 EDT, with an update made at 10:05 EDT on the same date.

Devastated: Ali Harding, 45, (pictured) has spoken of her heartbreak after two of her golden Labradors died when they ate drugs that had been thrown into their garden

Ali Harding, 45, (shown in the photo) expressed her deep sorrow after losing two of her beloved golden Labradors. The unfortunate incident occurred when the dogs ingested drugs that had been maliciously tossed into their garden.

Tragic: Dizzy, pictured asleep right, died in Mrs Harling's arms as they travelled to the vet

Heartbreaking: Dizzy, shown sleeping peacefully in the photo, passed away while being comforted in Mrs. Harling’s arms during their journey to the veterinarian.

Criminal act: Mrs Harling believes someone deliberately threw drugs over her garden fence

Criminal offense: Mrs. Harling suspects that someone intentionally tossed drugs into her backyard over the fence.

Family dogs: Stanley (left) died hours after Dizzy. Dachshund Alfie was also taken ill, but survived

Family dogs: Stanley passed away shortly after Dizzy. The Dachshund named Alfie also fell ill, but fortunately, managed to pull through.

Playful: Two of the dogs who were poisoned relax on the sofa at their family home in Preesall, Lancashire

Jovial: Two of the furry victims of the recent poisoning incident are now lounging comfortably on the couch at their loving home in Preesall, Lancashire.

Sudden: All the dogs fell sick at the same time at the family home in Preesall, Lancashire

Out of the blue: Every single furry friend in the household in Preesall, Lancashire became unwell simultaneously.

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